The Bomb Squad

So the last time we sat down to talk about our amazing volunteers and those who support the B.ay A.rea D.erby Girls, we asked each other whom we should honor next as Volunteer of the Month, and there arose a great cry from the assembled body. “OMIGOD ABOMB'S PARENTS!” they all shouted. For yea did we all agree that, man alive, these are some PASSIONATE fans, and support our league and skaters like few others.

Whether it's buying every raffle ticket in the place to win the coveted Gold Chair for an entire doubleheader, or stealing the show at the half-time dance-off at WFTDA Playoffs in Sacramento, Momma and Poppa Bomb just bring joy to everyone who sees them in the crowd. When Momma Bomb starts dancing, you KNOW the party's been brought.

Ladies and gentlemen, your B.ay A.rea D.erby Girls Volunteers of the Month, Tom and Patricia Shelby, The Bomb Squad!!

How did you become involved with the league?

Tom and I first saw Bay Area Derby Girls skate at the Sacramento regional championships some years ago, I think in 2010. [We] both fell in love with the sport and saw the potential it could grow into and become more athletic and even more competitive. I (Pat) had grown up watching the Bay Bombers with players like Joni Weston, I never thought my kid would like to get hit and hit people especially this particular one, she was a big softy. We started our involvement when [ABomb] moved from Oahu back to the mainland and requested to join BAD in 2012. We became regular attendees at open practices and all home games. Eventually we figured out that we should just buy season tickets and all of the other special events like Golden Bowl. 

Do you have derby names? 

Yes we do, a few in fact…
a.) We made our own tee shirts that say “BAD PARENT”  I was once asked by a stranger if the court Judge had made me wear that in public. 
b.) Since our daughter is commonly called a shortened version of her derby name “Abomb” we started being called Momma Bomb and Poppa Bomb by some of her teammates on the Richmond Wrecking Bells. It took and we love it. I have a black, white and gold outfit with Momma Bomb and BAD Parent on it and I proudly represent Bay Area Derby when I go to tournaments or to Travel team events.
c.) We are also known as The Bomb Squad — we bring noise, laughter, a bit of groove and some dance moves to the games. We are open to all who love the game and love to cheer for Bay Area Derby Girls.

When not bringing the Noize and Funk what do you do?

Tom is an awesome computer-nerd type working as a software architect analyst and Pat works in human services teaching employment services skills. We have five wonderful daughters, seven fantastic grandchildren and have been happily married for nearly 36

Do you have a favorite Derby moment or one thing you are most proud of?

When our girl “Abominatrix” rolled out onto that floor for the first time at Craneway Pavilion as a member of the Wrecking Belles it gave us goose bumps.

What is your favorite part of being involved with Bay Area Derby or derby in general?

Pat: My favorite part is feeling like I am a league Mom. Not a mom just to my own kid but to all of my girls, as I call them. I like giving out the hugs and encouragement.

Tom: Being father of all girls has made this derby adventure for even more enjoyable because this is a sport that showcases the strength, athletic abilities and determination of women so beautifully. I have met other fathers and we share a bond of believing in and support strong women, that is so very cool. As a man I want to see it grow to give even more girls and women an opportunity for sport in the future.

We both have enjoyed the camaraderie and friendships we have developed within the derby community in the league and among our competitors. We are excited to see where Bay Area Derby will be 10 years from now.

My Derby Crush? 

Pat: Poppa Bomb (My rhythm and heartbeat)     

Tom: Momma Bomb (She gives me courage)

Our Derby Crush?

Abominatrix #140 of the RICHMOND WRECKING BELLES

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