
Shellcat is one of our very dedicated NSOs who recently became an official league member! She is totally dedicated to BAD and her NSO crew, showing up at scrimmages and games all over the Bay Area to hone her amazing NSO skills. For folks new to derby, NSO means Non Skating Officials. They are our awesome ladies and dudes you see sitting around the track and behind the penalty box. They do crucial things like track penalties and keep score. We love them and are so, so grateful for all their hard work. Thank you Shellcat!!

What is your name outside of derby?

What do you do for non-derby work?
Data Analyst/Fraud Specialist

How did you become involved with our league? How long have you been with us?
I started out as a BAD fan, became a BAD volunteer on a very small scale (pouring beers at a few bouts) in 2010, took 2012 off to be a fan again and came back as a volunteer and NSO for the 2013 season.

Do you have a favorite part of being involved with BAD or derby in general?
I think the best part of being involved with BAD and with derby in general is the amazing people I have met over the last year. Derby truly is a family and our league boasts some of the best skaters, officials and volunteers in all of derby (IMHO), I am so very proud to be a part of it all and I am so grateful for the opportunity that being a BAD official has given me to travel and work with people from other leagues as well as forging friendships with people in our league.

Do you have a favorite derby moment or one thing you are most proud of?
I recently passed the officials rules test to become a BAD league member, I was pretty darn proud of that! I am a new(er) official and leaping that hurdle actually meant a lot to me.

How did you come up with your derby name?
I came up with a short list and asked my friends on FB to vote. =)

If you had a superpower what would it be and would you use it for good or evil?
Telekinesis – I would use it for good (like laying down and picking up the track at our venues!)

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