A person with the word "officials" on their shirt stands in the foreground. The background is skaters and officials on a track.

BAD Officials

Adamantium, Bit Shift, Bruise Almighty, Cisco, Danger Muffin, deadeye, Doctor Boppoloffogos, ElecTrix, Ewen Jected, Jacques Strappe, KABONG, Kiss My Axe, May the Force, Ridicu-Lix, Saradactyl, Sexy Beast, Whistle

So, you love roller derby and you want to help out, but don’t think the hard-hitting action on the track is for you? Why not volunteer to be a ref or an NSO (Non-skating Official)? Email us at officiating@bayareaderby.com.

Officials are made up of Skating Officials and Non Skating Officials. Without them we wouldn’t be able to have roller derby. Our officials are experts on the WFTDA Rules and empowered to call penalties, maintain stats, and help keep the game on the up-and-up. Our officials often travel with our various teams when they skate against other leagues – including WFTDA Playoffs and Championships – and frequently work with officials from other leagues to maintain the highest quality of game play wherever they go. With positions as either a Skating Official or Non Skating Official, anyone of any skill set is welcome to join our officiating family with training available in all positions! Our officials are an integral part of the league – we can’t have a bout without them! (Really! It says so in the rules.) What better way to get into the games for free, NOT end up as bruised and sore as the players (usually), and make 100+ instant friends in the area?

Itching to learn more about the roller derby world? Read this: the Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby   

Referees (Skating Officials)

Roller derby referees wear skates, protective gear, and are easily identified by their black and white striped shirts also called the ZEBRAS! There are typically five to seven referees participating in each game, but roller derby can happen with as few as three referees; seven is a full crew. We host scrimmages EVERY Thursdays. 🙂 You’ll be able to shadow some officials to learn all you can about the world of derby behind the scenes. EMAIL: officials@bayareaderby.com to start. 

Head Ref
Needs: 1
The ultimate authority in the game
Occupies an Inside Pack Ref slot
Jammer Ref
Needs: 2
Watches their designated jammer and everything that happens to their jammer, and keeps score. They communicate with the scorekeeper. Each Jam ref has their own scorekeeper. 
Inside Pack Ref
Needs: 2
Watches the blockers and pivots from the inside of the track
Outside Pack Ref
Needs: : 3

Watches the blockers and pivots from the outside of the track

Can’t skate yet? No worries! We also have non-skating officials that are dressed in black that carry out more roles into the derby world. They are the nit and grit of the roller derby world that keeps track of everything that goes on. They are the ones to document the outcomes of the roller derby bout. Be a Non-Skating Officials!!!!!!!!!!!

NSO’s: Non-Skating Officials

Head NSO
Needs: 1
Certifies stats results for submission to the WFTDA for ranking
Jam Timer
Needs: 1
Keeps 2 minute jam times and 30 second break times. Blows jam start whistle. It is the person that watches a close eye on the game. 
Penalty Box Timers
Needs: 3
Keeps track of penalty times and notifies skaters when they can leave the box
Penalty Tracker
Needs: 1
Works closely with the Inside Whiteboard NSO to record the penalty type and when it happened.
Needs: 2
Receives points per lap from the Jam Refs, keeps track of who is Lead Jammer, and records how each jam ends
Scoreboard Operator
Runs the electronic scoreboard for the public. Communicates with the scorekeeper
Inside Whiteboard
Needs: 1
Notes all penalties on a board visible to the referees and skaters
Lineup Tracker
Needs: 2
Records which skater is in each position each jam for computation of play time



Big League Chew – BuzzKillr – Dream Queen – Heads Will Roll – Honey Badger – Jonathan Lee – Judge Dreadfull – Kate Crusader – Kingpin – Lady Ringher Bellum – London Derriere – micro machine – Mister Sister – Mae K. Haste – One-Z – Pru – Rex Blocker – Shellcat – Strong Female Character – Vagenius