OAKLAND, CA – Today Bay Area Derby (BAD) drops the dots and ‘G’ effectively removing ‘Girls’ and the flourishy punctuation from their name. The change from “B.ay A.rea D.erby Girls” to “Bay Area Derby” is a key step in the evolution of the Bay Area’s premiere flat track roller derby league. The new name reflects the diversity of the community to include the wide variety of members and supporters who represent the league.
This change occurs as BAD rolls into their 11th season of determined, focused, and inspiring roller derby in the Bay Area. BAD has many exciting events lined up for 2015, including a BAD Hands Volunteer Army recruitment party on January 30 and the league’s first games of the season on February 27 at the Craneway Pavilion in Richmond, CA.
“It’s one of the steps we decided to take towards updating our overall league image,” says Frightmare, the 2016 BAD PR Manager. “Truthfully, being called ‘girls’ hasn’t resonated with many of the league members – skaters, officials and volunteers alike – for quite some time.” BAD’s updated gender policy, voted into action by the league at the end of 2014, additionally promotes broad inclusiveness based on self-identification of its skater members. The Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, of which Bay Area Derby is a founding member, recently publicized broadened protections for athlete gender identity, emphasizing the importance of this sort of progressive policy and inclusive language.
As the league reaches for new heights of athletic excellence and continues reppin’ roller derby all over the world, they may have dropped the ‘G’, but they’re still BAD.
For more information, e-mail PR@bayareaderbygirls.com.
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