Marc Slater

If you’re a fan of the B.ay A.rea D.erby Girls, then you know that our practice space is in dire straits. Despite a leaky roof, a floor that never skates quite right and an abundance of other problems, B.A.D. has managed to maintain its rankings as second in the world and our home teams are the most competitive around. Working hard isn’t just a B.A.D. trait; Our team of volunteers are workhorses too. They have been instrumental in getting B.ay A.rea D.erby Girls to where we are now. Marc Slater is our 2014 Marketing Consultant and has helped to spearhead our Indiegogo campaign. We are entirely grateful to you Marc, for all of your hard work and continued dedication to our league!!

You can check out this amazing project here. If you love B.A.D. as much as we do, consider making a donation to our league!

Here’s what Marc had to say about being a part of our awesome league!

For the 2013 season, I was the Executive Producer for For the 2014 season, I am a Marketing Consultant for B.A.D.

Do you have a derby name?
Yes: Mac Devil

What do you do for non-derby work?
I am the Creative Director at Otter Bounce Marketing ( helping our clients inform, inspire and connect with their customers by offering innovative and high quality online marketing media.

How did you become involved with our league? How long have you been with us?
My wife Amber Dexterous A.K.A. “Dex” is an Oakland Outlaw. I began volunteering last January. Having a background in film and media, made volunteering as the Executive Producer for BADTv a natural fit for the 2013 season. For the 2014 season, I am currently volunteering as a Marketing Consultant for B.A.D. I recently volunteered my services for your Indiegogo campaign video, and I am currently helping B.A.D. with new promotional media projects.

Do you have a favorite part of being involved with BAD or derby in general?
For me, it is working with such an amazing and talented group of athletes. Roller derby is my favorite sport, and I feel that everyone should have the opportunity to witness the amazingness that is the Bay Area Derby Girls.

Do you have a favorite derby moment or one thing you are most proud of?
My favorite derby moment was shooting and editing the 2013 B.A.D. Championships. It was a fantastic game to watch, and as the Producing Editor for the event, I was able to watch the footage hundreds of times- from every angle. It really allowed me appreciate the talent, skill and determination of the Bay Area Derby Girls. I am proud to volunteer for such a world-class league!

If you had one super power what would it be? Would you use it for good or evil?
My desired superpower: to travel in time. Would I use it for good, or evil? I’ll let you decide…

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