London Derriere

London Derriere has been with BAD for a little over a year and has quickly become an integral part of our referee family. London joined BAD with a lot of experience under her belt; she has refereed roller derby bouts and tournaments all over the world and is dedicated to furthering her knowledge of the game. One of the things we appreciate most about London is her ability to openly communicate with skaters and refs. She seems to be constantly smiling while still staying focused on the game or scrimmage at hand.

Thank you London! Your dedication to your ref crew and Bay Area derby is awesome!!

What do you do as a volunteer with BAD?
I am most often a skating official but hope to incorporate more NSOing as well.

Do you have a derby name?
London Derriere.

What do you do for non-derby work?
I am an adjunct professor of English at Brandman University in Walnut Creek, teaching writing, rhetoric, and literature. I also just joined Lanesplitter Pizza as a server, so feel free to come hang out on Friday nights.

How did you become involved with our league? How long have you been with us?
Prior to June 2013, I was an official with Roller Girls of the Apocalypse (RGA) in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and spent three years traveling Europe to officiate bouts and scrimmages. I moved to California and transferred to BAD last year.

Do you have a favorite part of being involved with BAD or derby in general?
I enjoy the challenge of officiating some of the best skaters in derby every week. The past year has been an amazing year of growth for me, and I love that every week I learn more about the game and how my role as a skating official facilitates the skaters’ ability to play the game. I am incredibly honored to represent BAD both on and off the track and take that role very seriously. The BAD officials, skaters, and volunteers have made me better, and I look forward to the continued growth of the sport and this league and my place in both.

Do you have a favorite derby moment or one thing you are most proud of?
Just prior to relocating to California, I was selected as a jam referee for the first sanctioned tournament in Europe:  2013: A Skate Odyssey. Honestly, I didn’t think I would get selected and I was already looking to book flights to return to the states. I actually cried when I saw the email, and then I promptly succumbed to nausea when I realized that my first major tournament and final game in Europe would be sanctioned and streamed online. That weekend, with the support of some amazing officials and mentors, not only helped me overcome my self-doubt about my abilities, but also recognize that our greatest moments of growth come from facing our greatest fears and challenges.

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