DJ ODB (Old Derby Bastard)

May’s BAD Volunteer of the Month is someone who has repeatedly brought joy to many thousands of roller derby fans over the seasons and who has also helped out this league in so many ways, it was only a matter of time until he became our most honored volunteer!

I’m speaking of course of DJ Old Derby Bastard, our intrepid and multi-talented DJ who is able to plunder the collective playlists of our souls and provide incomparable sets for each of our events. DJ ODB (or simply ODB as he is known to his inner circle) has spent many a weekend spinning the tunes for BAD Events: all of our home team doubleheaders, this year’s Treasure Island Exhibition and even Black and White Scrimmages.

Neil, also a Derby Widower, is the Chosen Life Partner of Oakland Outlaws blocker Bella Bomber. As such, he’s enjoyed the long road trips, arduous set ups, and contributing many volunteer hours all in the name of BAD and the success of roller derby. DJ ODB spins the records but mostly he makes the magic happen. And he’s always in the right place at the right tune!

Name: Old Derby Bastard

If you have a derby name, what is it? What’s the story behind it? Old Derby Bastard. Truer words hath never been spoken.

How long have you been with BAD? What brought you to BAD? I’ve been spectating bouts since 2007, when co-worker Lisa Lawless (originally from Rat City) was captain of the Oakland Outlaws. Then volunteering since 2009, mainly DJ-ing bouts, scrimmages and prom, but also sometimes NSO-ing.

What’s been your favorite team roll-out song thus far?  ShEvil completely cracked me up with “Activewear”. Richmond challenged me to make a medley remix of Boyz2Men’s “End of the Road” and “I’ll Make Love to You”, which I really enjoyed.  Berkeley seems to have a thing for Drake (actually Started From The Bottom last year, then won BAD champs). Oakland consistently picks rocking/thumping tracks that make you know that you are on Their Track.

When not volunteering with BAD what else do you enjoy doing? Hiking Mt Tam with an audiobook and a medicine ball, swimming, playing tennis, playing and designing analog games, making wine.

Your favorite true life hero or heroine? Bill Hicks and Richard Pryor.

Which musical artists inspire you? Too many to list, but hanging around the top are Swervedriver, Queens of the Stone Age, Bowie, Prince, TV on the Radio.

Best BAD DJ moment? Hitting play on “In Your Eyes” for London’s engagement proposal to Kate. 🙂

Your favorite poets or prose authors?

H. Auden (As I Walked Out One Evening), Andrew Marvell (To His Coy Mistress), e e cummings (i carry your heart with me, she being brand new), Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Kubla Khan, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner), Dylan Thomas (Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night), David Mitchell (Cloud Atlas),
Michael Ondaatje (The English Patient).

Chocolate Chip or Oatmeal Raisin? Oatmeal Raisin.

Favorite film? Dazed and Confused, Ed Wood, Flash Gordon, English Patient, So I Married an Ax Murderer.

Historical event that really moved you? Rosa Parks’ Montgomery Bus Boycott

Favorite food, and Cocktail of choice? Seared Scallops. Rye Manhattan, Vodka Martini, or Copa Margarita.

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