Danny Martines

It is only her first year volunteering, but Danny Martines has quickly learned the ins and outs of what it means to be a B.A.D. Volunteer. Sometimes it takes a while for volunteers to learn the ropes, but for Martine roller derby was love at first sight. We are so grateful that she has jumped in with both feet and gives her all to NSOing, helping load and unload our truck and is amazing in times of need. Thank you Danny for loving derby as much as we do!

What is your name outside of derby?
Danny Martines

What do you do for non-derby work?
I am an Elevator Mechanic. I work for ThyssenKrupp Elevator.

How did you become involved with our league?
I was introduced to the wonderful world of Roller Derby by a friend, and fell in love with the sport immediately.

How long have you been with us?
This is my first season with B.ay A.rea D.erby Girls

What do you do when you volunteer with us?
I do whatever is needed, ie. load/unload the truck in preparation for bouts, being a part of our awesome Track Stars, and NSOing with the best crew around!!

Do you have a favorite part of being involved with BAD or derby in general?
I like it all… Volunteering, NSO’ing, the camaraderie, and learning how to skate.

Do you have a favorite derby moment or one thing you are most proud of?
Being able to help this awesome league makes me very proud. My favorite moment was Penalty Box Timing for the June 15th double header. It was my first bout officiating.

How did you come up with your derby name?
I am currently using my last name but I am open for suggestions.

If you had a superpower what would it be and would you use it for good or evil?
Batman, because even though he has no superpowers, he can do incredible things.

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