
Danny, or Cisco, immediately acclimated to the culture of roller derby and has been an amazing help to our league since day one. Need a truck? He has one. Want an extra pair of hands? No problem. An amazing attitude and warm smile? He's got that in spades. Danny is always kind and ready to lend a hand and he's also a great NSO (Non-Skating Official). He learned the rules and regulations of roller derby quickly and travels all over the state to practice officiating. Thank you for all your time and energy Cisco!
The B.A.D. Girls

What is your name outside of derby?

How long have you been with BAD and what are your volunteer responsibilities?
This is my second season with BAD. I am an NSO and I help out where I can.

How did you get your derby name?
My Derby name is Cisco and I picked it in honor of my Mom. Her maiden name is Francisco.

What do you love the most about BAD?
Everything. They have welcomed me from the beginning and made me feel like part of the team. Our NSO and referee team is like one big family.

If you could have any super power what would it be?
I would fly.

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