2020 BAD of the Months
Smother Mary
January 2020
SM is here for the league in every way. Lately she has put a lot of work into finishing the building of the BAD skate park, creating space for more skaters to shred on the BAD premises. SM is a brilliant coach for all levels and truly brings out the best in others. Thank you SM for all you do!
Hieronymus Bash
February 2020
Hieronymus Bash is someone who will step up to fill any spot where the league needs her. This season she has gone above and beyond to help our Events Committee make our bouts successful. She will also quickly put together some beautiful copy for our Marketing Committee, or drive a big truck full of bleachers over the Bay Bridge, if you just ask her. Bash also has the trust of her leaguemates as a Mediation rep and is always there if you need someone to talk to. Thank you Bash for all you do!
Slam Chowder
March 2020
Slam Chowder does a wild amount of stuff for this league. She’s this powerhouse Events manager who makes it happen: a better contract, a new space, an entire event out of thin air. Even when she’s out of the country with super limited internet, we’re still getting Slack messages from her confirming beer donations she’s locked down and other big details. All hail Chow!
Ben Burns
April 2020
Burns has been a badass, inspirational, ever present skater since they arrived. Burns runs HR like a boss, helping bring new people into the league through their leadership and cool & calm demeanor. They probably have better attendance than anyone and always have kind & encouraging words to say (and the occasional perfect amount of sass). Let’s celebrate Burns.
Kate Silver
May 2020
Kate Silver has been keeping this league in shape by creating workouts multiple times a week!!! She also put together an amazing BAD Scavenger hunt to keep the league practicing friendly competition! Thanks for everything you do Kate!
Beaver Mansbridge & Kate Silver
June 2020
Big shoutouts to Beaver and Kate for continuing to plan and run weekly workouts for the League. Their workouts are keeping our league members strong and connected! Thank you!
July 2020
Yonic has painting our ramps with some awesome artwork in Peralta and has been a leader in helping the League’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee! Thanks for everything you’re doing Yonic!
Deadeye Knight
August 2020
They bring a deep knowledge of derby and BAD, are a fantastic coach, keep the league connected to the wider world, and do a huge amount of behind-the-scenes work. Deadeye holds a position within WFTDA which takes a lot of time and work that we are all thankful for. Thanks Deadeye!
Mae Dae
September 2020
They are behind so many important league changes! They’ve come in and created momentum for the league to make necessary changes, and move toward having a culture of equity and accountability. I believe they more or less created DEI. They also have an adorable face, and run frickin’ Derby Without Borders.
October 2020
Hos did A TON of behind the scenes work in developing COVID protocols for future use of our space. She’s also a rockstar on the track and a lovely human all around! Thanks Hos!
Atomic Bombshell
November 2020
Atomic has been working on getting our outdoor learn to skate program up and running. She helped out our Events committee a ton with our first bout. She does a lot and is an incredible ambassador for BAD out in the world! Thanks Atomic!