#333 Dreadzilla

For September 2015, we recognize the 2015 Rookie of the Year, Dreadzilla. The Oakland Outlaws' newest addition and an indomitable jammer, Dreadzilla comes to us by way of the Peninsula Roller Girls. In her short time at BAD, Dreadz started an informal derby training program for beginning and returning derby players in Dolores Park and quickly made a name for herself as a regularly rostered jammer. During BAD's volunteer events, Dreadz can be seen sporting an extravagant outfit and a big smile while pouring you a cold one. Come see her at our next home team game of if you can’t wait that long, check out her design business, Facebook or on Instagram @serpentesdesigns.

Photo credit: IGP Photo

Name: Dreadzilla

Number: 333

Team: Oakland Outlaws

B.A.D. League Involvement: Merch Committee. Interested in getting more involved with Reckless Rollers.

What’s the story behind your derby name?

It came to me in a dream one night. I also had dreadlocks for over a decade.

How long have you been playing roller derby?

About 3 and a half years.

How long have you been with B.A.D.? What brought you to B.A.D.?

I’ve been with BAD for a year and a half. I moved back to San Francisco specifically to skate for BAD.

What’s your skate set-up?

I skate on Bont boots, Arius plates and Zombie 91s. My skates are my babies.

What is your favorite non-derby sport or cross-training activity?

I LOVE distance running! There’s not much in this world better than throwing on my sweet, sweet tunes and running the hills of SF.

Share your favorite derby memory/moment from 2015.

Hands down being drafted by the Oakland Outlaws. I still get excited when I think about that moment.

Share one of your favorite motivational quotes with us.

“O Lord, what hast thou hoarded up for me in your great free treasure?” Some of the best parts of life require nothing more than being present.

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