skatertots1Skater Tots is a physical education class developed by Bay Area Derby Girls league members designed to teach kids how to skate and play roller derby.

It all started 8 years ago when Molly Salyk (Taxi Scab) saw a big missing piece at the school where she teaches. She teaches at Coronado Elementary in Richmond, a Title 1 school with 100% free lunch. When she started the program, her school did not have a physical education program so she decided to start Skater Tots as a way for the students to get exercise. The program involves teamwork, building confidence, getting exercise, and having fun while learning new skills. Skates and gear are donated to the program by Bay Area Derby Girls. The kids come up with derby names, and BAD skaters and refs create skill based groups. The first few weeks are all about “how to get all the gear on in less than an hour” according to Taxi, and by the end of the program the kids are able to skate in mini bouts.


BAD is working towards making Skater Tots an official Bay Area Derby’s program and expand it to more Bay Area schools.  We would also like to be able to host Skater Tots at our practice space and eventually expand the program into a junior derby league, but first we need to find a practice space that is safe.

To find out more about Skater Tots or to find out how you can help, contact BAD at